On March 6, 2001 I was lying in bed (on bed rest with high blood pressure) for like the 5th week. I hadn’t felt right all day. I started counting contractions around 2 or 3pm that afternoon. Sometime around 4pm I started to get up to freshen up (the wives from Sean’s old workplace were having a shower for me that evening)and I thought I had “peed” my pants…just a bit. In fact everytime I would stand up from sitting I had that feeling. Around 6pm I started getting these knife-stabbing pains in my stomach (apparently those were contractions and my water had actually broken). I called Sean…he was at Kmart getting a basketball pump (the men from his job were going to play ball at Hinkle Fieldhouse). I called my doctor and she wanted me to go straight to St. Vincent’s. So Sean came home and we left.
Triage confirmed my water had broken and put me in a Labor/Delivery Room. I got my pain meds, an epidural, started pushing around 11pm and Caeleigh was born on a Tuesday, March 7, 2001 at 1:57AM. THREE hours of pushing...UGH!! And they had to vacuum her out! That was eight years ago…I can’t believe I remember it!
So my baby girl is now 8…and she’s about to be a big sister!
We had a fabulous birthday party. Caeleigh chose a Barbie Ballerina package for invitations, gift bags, and her cake.

Caeleigh invited 3 “old” friends and 3 “new” friends from her new school. Everyone actually got along. They were just LOUD! Fortunately, we had 76 degree weather (a rarity for Indiana the first week of March). So mom and I got the bubbles, soccer ball, jump ropes, etc. out and got them to play Red Light/Green Light. It was nice to enjoy the wonderful weather!

Nana (my mom) came to help me with the party. It was nice to have the help. Caeleigh was glad to have Nana’s attention. I think she realized that it might be her LAST time by herself with Nana. I was exhausted so Nana and Caeleigh went to mass, then to Bob Evans for dinner and ran some errands at Wal-Mart. They had a nice “date.”
Opening Nana’s presents.
Sunday, Sean’s mom, grandma, aunt, and cousin (with her hubby and son) came over to share in Caeleigh’s birthday. Grandma Shirley brought a pink/purple Ice Cream cake from Dairy Queen with “princess things” on it…Caeleigh loved it…but didn’t eat it. She would have rather had the St. Pat’s mini chocolate cupcakes Grandma Shirley also brought! It was great to see Brooke, Brad and Wes again. It was also nice to see Aunt Ruby and Grandmas Bonnie/Shirley!
The Ice Cream Cake and Daddy (being goofy!)
Caeleigh and Baby Wes….yes, she still sucks her thumb (we’re working on it!)
Caeleigh with some of her new DS games.
All in all, we had a fabulous weekend and I hope Caeleigh enjoyed it too!!
Now, I just need to wait on this baby to come. It will probably be 3 March birthdays in a row because Sean’s is March 23 … and I guess the baby will be somewhere in between him and Caeleigh!
I'll update after my appt. on Thursday morning!
1 comment:
Happy birthday Caeleigh! I can't believe how much she has grown up. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you on bed rest. Hang in there.
God bless,
Katherine Brown
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