First lil' Miss Kasey Joann turns 6 weeks old today! I'm estimating her to weigh about 10 lbs now. She goes for her 2 month check up in two weeks, so we'll get a better weight then! Poor lil' things will also get some vaccinations.....hopefully she'll tolerate them well. She did great with her Hep B shot two weeks ago.
She still has a nice full head of hair...some say it's starting to get a reddish tint like mine and Caeleigh's. I think her eyes will be brown.
Don't ya love the outfit? Thanks Maggie Sugar! Many compliments from others on this ensemble!
Big Sister Caeleigh has got a lot of going ons! Softball practice has started and games will start next week. She has moved up a league to the 8 and under. This means the coach pitches, but strikes count and they run the bases "for real." Score is also kept. Last year in 6 and under, the coaches pitched 5-8 balls (pretty much until the girls hit) and they all got to run onto base. No score was kept. So this will be a good learning experience! She is not the best player or dare I even say an average player? Let's be honest, she's out there for fun, not for talent! But she see's no difference. I love the innocence of her! Her team is Rock Star cheer for the RockStars!! ;)
Last Friday was "Crazy Hair Day" at St. Malachy. Caeleigh was very excited for that! The kiddos also got a casual day (no uniform) if they participated in the spirit day. So she was glad about that too! We used lots of different "holiday" hair decorations! Father Dan even picked up on that!

Last weekend we were able to drive to Nana and Papa's house in Marshall, IL (my parents). We went to the auction house. (I was able to snag a piece of 1936 Fiestaware and another piece that was not dated!) We had Grandma Patty out for dinner and just tried to RELAX! We had a great visit. The weather was nice until Sunday when it got cold and rainy. Caeleigh was able to mow the grass with Papa. She really enjoyed that! He even let her drive.

Saturday night the 2nd grade classes are having a celebration for their First Communion. Caeleigh won't make her First Communion until May 2 (Kasey is also being baptized then)....but she is excited to party with her pals!
Next week we'll be getting ready for softball opening ceremony on Friday; softball pics, first game, and First Communion/Baptism on Saturday...whew..busy! Caeleigh also gets to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at the Murat or Clowes Hall with Maggie Sugar on the 3rd. How exciting! She loves to see shows with Mag.
I'll have lots of pics after next week. Have a good one!
Happy 6 week bday Kasey! Looks like fun riding on the tractor/lawn mower and cute hair Caeleigh.
How exciting! A first communion and baptism all in one day. I will keep them in my prayers this next week.
God bless,
Katherine Brown
Wow! Sounds like you will have quite a busy week! How fun:)
I LOVE the pictures of your dad and Caeleigh riding the lawn mower together. The one from the back with Caeleigh's arm around him is my favorite. Too darn precious.
By the way, Sean gave me the envelope today:) Thanks!
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