Well, it looks like we fell off of the face of 'blog-planet!' However, the Reaves' family has just been super busy!
Caeleigh is 9 1/2 and in 4th grade at St. Malachy.
Kasey Joann is now 19 months old and loving Miss Laina's daycare.

Updates on Caeleigh: She finally learned how to ride a bike this summer!!! Yay for Nana and Poppa teaching her how! Caeleigh also went to a 6-night sleep away camp at Camp Tecumseh! She is getting to be such a big girl. She is very helpful around the house and with her little sister. This past weekend I was very sick with a nasty tummy-bug and she was so helpful with entertaining Kasey while I was "dying" on the bed ;) Caeleigh has paused with guitar lessons as we were just getting too busy! She continues to take tap/ballet classes and sings in the St. Malachy Children's Choir.

Updates on Kasey Jo: Kasey started walking at 13 months and has been RUNNING ever since. She also has about 25 words now...though she still prefers to stay quiet (so much for an SLP for a mom!!). Kasey loves to do puzzles and look at books. She is also loving to write and draw on paper. Health-wise, Kasey is right on track. She did have tubes put in her ears last April. That helped get rid of all the frequent ear infections. She does have a lot of air-borne allergies with pollen, etc...so she takes Zyrtec daily and wow! does it ever help!!!

Updates on Sean: Sean ran the mini-marathon in May during the Indy 500 festivities. He also did 2 Sprint Triathlons this summer. We are super proud of him and his efforts to get and stay in shape!! He looks quite studly if I may say so myself! ;) In August he convinced me to do Twilight Town Trek with him. It was like the Amazing Race in Downtown Indy. We had a bunch of clues and then had to go all over downtown to get our pictures in front of the locations in the clues. We placed 22nd out of about 55 teams (I think?)...it was a blast!! In September Sean decided to leave Main Gate for an opportunity to work in the non-profit world. He is now the Business Services and Membership Director for the brand-new Witham YMCA that is opening next week in Lebanon, IN. This is a great opportunity for him and even though he is SUPER busy...we hope to have it settle down after the opening next week!
Updates on Sarah: Yup...still the Autism Consultant in the Brownsburg Schools and loving it. Not much else to say about me. I did join HIP Fitness in Brownsburg and have lost some pounds. I really enjoy all the ladies and the new classes, especially Zumba!
I hope to do better and try to go back to updating once a month! We'll see! I don't know how those people that blog everyday do it!!
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