Baby sis usually sleeps through Caeleigh's games!

Caeleigh had two hits at her game. (Isn't she a cutie?)

Dance Recital: ballet performance to Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid
Dance Recital: Tap performance to Bushel and a Peck

The weather has been so beautiful. Today is REALLY hot out, but should be cooling down to the 70s again for this week. I need to finish up the deck and plant more flowers that just arrived. I'm working on some perennial gardens for the back yard....ugh. I really want a manicure, but not until the deck and planting are done! Why ruin it?
Have a great week! Caeleigh only has 2 more days of school! Can't wait for her to be home!
Here is a little video of her hit during Saturday's game!
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