June has been surprisingly very busy! Caeleigh's finishing up softball. The tourney has begun and we have to play at least one more game tonight. If they lose, we're done, it they win...another game. Here she is after a tourney game. She was the catcher and got over-heated in the catching gear. We had to dump cold water down her neck and on her head.

Caeleigh also decided she wanted to get her ears pierced. We went through this last year and she "chickened out." So I ended up with a very darling pair of little pink rhinestone flower earrings. This year she didn't chicken out!! She is also sporting a new hair cut!

Kasey had her 3 month check-up on the 17th of June. She weighed 12 pounds even. She measured 23 1/8 inches long. All on track. No shots this month. Kasey has also started sleeping in her crib in her room every night this week! The first night I slept like a rock...didn't wake once. The other nights, I'm always waking thinking I heard her....crazy. Kasey has really discovered her thumb and fingers....oh, great...another thumb-sucker! Her other new trick is rolling from her back to her belly. She will also push up now during tummy time and end up on her back! I'm so used to Caeleigh's laziness (low tone) as an infant....she's at least a month ahead of Caeleigh on these physical feats! Kasey also really likes sitting in her Bumbo seat! Here she is at 3 months old!

Last week the girls and I went to Marshall to visit Nana and Poppa. Poppa surprised us by suggesting going to Terre Haute to Bogey's Family Fun Center (something he would NEVER do when Maggie and I were kids!) But we had a fabulous time. Miniature golf, bungee-trampoline, arcade, then off to Real Hacienda for dinner. It was a nice night!! Hot, but nice!

Here Caeleigh tries Bungee-Trampoline!

Caeleigh thought the water looked like mouthwash....I thought it was just very unnatural looking!

Next week starts Caeleigh's swim lessons. We are also planning a mini-vacation to LaPorte, IN to visit with the Reaves' family. Sean's dad is flying in from Daytona to visit as well. So I'm sure we'll be boating on Pine Lake!
Have a Happy 4th of July!!