My girls today! So sweet!
I just can't believe it's been about 2 months since I've last posted. It's been a roller coaster that's for sure.
On September 19, 2009 my wonderful grandmother (Grammie to the grandkids), Elsa Cline passed away unexpectedly. She was 79 years old and had been married to my Grandpa Gene for 61 years. She will be missed dearly. It has been rough on all of us losing both of my grandmas in 6 weeks. Here is my grandma and grandpa with the girls in May.

For the good news....lil Miss Kasey Jo is now able to sit up all by herself without any support! She is now 7 1/2 months old. I need to get some toys for her to sit and play with. I still had Caeleigh's Fisher Price musical ring stacker and she is really enjoying that!

Caeleigh just got her first quarter report card...all A's and B's! I'm so thrilled. Her teacher says she is reading on grade level, needs to work on math fact memorization, and is such a good girl to have in class. Here she is helping me butter, salt and roast the pumpkin seeds this week.

Halloween was a lot of fun. Caeleigh wanted to be a vampire princess. Sean was a "workman" from the Dharma Initiative (a LOST character). Kasey wore a "Marie" from Aristocats sleeper that my good friend and co-worker, Cindy, bought for her.

Here is the crew after pumpkin carving!

Well, need to pay more attention to the Colts game and get more laundry done. Have a wonderful November everyone and a blessed Thanksgiving!