Thursday, May 21, 2009

10 Weeks Old

Here's a little video of Kasey at 10 weeks. She has really started smiling and responding to us talking the past couple of weeks. She smirks with that "I'm gonna cause all kinds of trouble" look! Not much of anything else for this week. Still having softball games and getting ready for Caeleigh's dance recital in a week. Have a great Memorial Day weekend. The girls and I are headed to Marshall. XOXO, Sarah

Thursday, May 14, 2009

2 Months old!!

Well Miss Kasey was 2 months old this week. Today she had her checkup. She weighed 10lbs, 10 ounces (50th percentile for weight) and measured 21 and 3/4 inches long (25th percentile for length). I can't remember her head circumference, but it was 50th percentile. Yeah!!!

Kasey at 2 months old:

Caeleigh modeling her new dress from Maggie Sugar:

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. Mine was the best ever! Sean's mom, grandma, aunt, cousin and her family came over for a good old BBQ. Sean grilled ribs (Grandpa Major's Style) and we women-folk furnished the sides. It was also Brooke's birthday and her stepson, Tyler's birthday. The weather was nice and a good time was had by all. I'm still waiting for someone (hint, hint) to email me the group shot so I'll have to post that later. But I did get a good shot of Great-Grandma Bonnie holding Kasey.

Yes, Kasey is sporting another pair of leg warmers. Here's a close-up shot.

I also sewed a baby ring-sling last week. Ignore the awful picture of me...but it is hands-free! Whoo hoo. Kasey is getting used to it. Check out if interested for the directions or instructions for other types of slings, pouches, etc. This was a no-sew sling, but I'm not patient ironing the stitch-witchery, so I sewed mine with my machine, so much faster!! I like the sling, but think I would like the pouch better. I might try that next.

And here are some pics of my girls on Mother's Day. Aren't they just so cute??

Me and my girls...I'm so blessed!

On Monday Caeleigh did not have school. It was a built-in snow make-up day that we did not have to use. After Jazzercise, Caeleigh suggested we go to Blast-Off Park for a picnic. So we loaded up the picnic basket, stroller, and scooter. It was sunny, but a bit windy and chilly, but we had such a good time.

Have a great weekend!


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Busy Weekend

Kasey is 7 weeks old this week! She weighs about 10.2 pounds. So she has gained 2 lbs since birth...what a growing girl. She also started sleeping in 6-7 hour stretches overnight, which means usually up once before dawn. Yay!!! Kasey also started taking 4 ounce bottles this week. She was taking 3 ounces. This makes bottle making easier without having to store an ounce each time. (You can only make even ounce bottles at a time!)

We have survived the busy weekend. Friday was May Crowning at St. Malachy and the second graders wore their Communion clothes. On Saturday Caeleigh had softball pics taken, first softball game (they lost, made her First Communion and Kasey was baptized! Whew! This week doesn't get any slower! We have 3 softball games (M-TH-SA). Hopefully the weather will cooperate as well as it did yesterday.

May Crowning Mass
First Communion


My girls on their special day!

Playing right field. Go Rock Stars!!!

Up to bat!

Have a great week folks!
