Kasey is 7 weeks old this week! She weighs about 10.2 pounds. So she has gained 2 lbs since birth...what a growing girl. She also started sleeping in 6-7 hour stretches overnight, which means usually up once before dawn. Yay!!! Kasey also started taking 4 ounce bottles this week. She was taking 3 ounces. This makes bottle making easier without having to store an ounce each time. (You can only make even ounce bottles at a time!)
We have survived the busy weekend. Friday was May Crowning at St. Malachy and the second graders wore their Communion clothes. On Saturday Caeleigh had softball pics taken, first softball game (they lost 14-7...boo), made her First Communion and Kasey was baptized! Whew! This week doesn't get any slower! We have 3 softball games (M-TH-SA). Hopefully the weather will cooperate as well as it did yesterday.
May Crowning Mass

First Communion


My girls on their special day!

Playing right field. Go Rock Stars!!!

Up to bat!

Have a great week folks!